
Magnus Quaife / As Long As The Pain Lasted


Thursday 6th November 6pm - 8pm

Exhibition Continues

7th November - 13th December

Exhibition Opening Times

Weds - Sat,12pm -5pm


“A person suffering from earache saw sparks and balls of light in the eye during each attack, as long as the pain lasted.”   Theory of Colours, Goethe.

For his second solo show at The International 3 Magnus Quaife presents an exhibition of disparate paintings. Each completed painting, whether rendered in watercolour, acrylic or oils, is formed with no ‘house’ style. The ambiguity of authorship is intentional pertaining to an examination of authenticity that is highlighted throughout this artists practice.

Some are complex collaged constructions that create a unique image drawn from many accessible sources: Brush strokes from Velasquez and Cezanne are microscopically magnified and fused with iconic images of riots and revolution jump cutting between European cinema and You Tube. Others are simple, single shots of public art or carefully depicted Polaroids of found studio sculptures.


  • Magnus Quaife, As Long As The Pain Lasted installation image

    Photo : Simon Pantling

  • Magnus Quaife,As Long As The Pain Lasted, installation image

    Photo: Simon Pantling

  • Magnus Quaife, As Long As The Pain Lasted installation image

    Photo: Simon Pantling

In these works Quaife always has an eye on history. Each painting stands as the predication of a fictional, or at least created, apposition, a created space where the histories of cultural and political myth, of science and art are rewritten. Histories that would normally guide us through the confusion of an unknowable past toward a potential future are shuffled and re-dealt. In exhibition these images shape a visual experience that demonstrates a place between positivist certainty and constructivist subjectivity.

Magus Quaife was born in 1975 and gained a BA Fine Art Painting from Chelsea School of Art and Design in 1997 and an MA Fine Art from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2001. Recent exhibitions include: This is the Gallery and the Gallery is Many Things, Eastside Projects; Rotate, Contemporary Art Society, London; openended, Rhys and Hannah Presents, Bristol; Let me tell you a story, Porta 33, Funchal, Portugal.

For further information and images please contact Laurence Lane on 07960 038 063.

A text by Ben Sadler has been commissioned to accompany the exhibition.

MCMLXVIII – Ben Sadler